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typhaine gianazza

work experience

Service Civique at l’Espace Culturel of Université Toulouse Capitole

Sept. - Dec. 2023

Host at Paris+ by Art Basel for the Fonds d’Art Contemporain - Paris Collections

18-22 Oct. 2023

Illustrating, Writing and Designing a children's book + game

June 2023

Art Mediation Internship at Fonds d’Art Contemporain - Paris Collections on the program Une œuvre à l’école

Jan. - July 2023

Graphic Design Intern on Francisco Terra’s project Maldito with Antidote

March - May 2022

Babysitting of young children (baby / toddler)

Oct. 2021 - Aug. 2023


English level C1+

German level B1


Adobe Softwares:

Indesign Illustrator



Other Softwares:


Driver's licence

BAFA (Brevet d’Aptitude aux Fonctions d’Animateur): qualification to work with children

First-Aid training certificate

Supervising & entertaining children aged 3-6 during the school holidays

July 2021 - Oct. 2022

Daily babysitting of a 9-month old baby

June - July 2020

11 days internship: summer camp with 11-17 years old, August 2019

10 days internship: supervising & entertaining 6-11 years old, July 2019


Writing and illustration (poetry, fanzines)

Music: bass, piano / songwriting (music school, bands, playing concerts)


Arts and crafts

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Art Mediation: Master 2 Professionnel Métiers Culturels du Texte et de l’Image, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2021-2023)

2010 - now

Language, History & Litterature Degree in English: Licence Langues, Littérature et Civilisations Étrangères, Anglais, Université de Caen Normandie (2016-2017 / 2019-2021)

Diplôme Universitaire Cultures Artistiques Approches Croisées, Université de Caen Normandie (2020-2021)

2010 - now

Art School: 1st year at École Supérieure d’Arts et Médias, Caen (2018-2019)

Foundation year for art school: Prép’art Toulouse (2017-2018)

French Baccalaureate with honours: major in Literature and English (2016)

Music Certificates granted by the Haute-Garonne Department, France

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